Business With Bananas


Let’s go bananas.

Right here, right now. Let your inner gargantuan orangutan loose.

I know you want to…

I know you must be tired of being a timid Curious George. Sure, if you were George you’d have fun with the Man in the Yellow Coat. It’s fun dabbling into everything the city has to offer from zoos, to shopping centers, to parks but when will it end? You’re safe with the Man in the Yellow Coat, but monkeys don’t belong in the city.

You’re a wild one. You’re inner orangutan wants more. It wants the freedom of the forest – not a fifth floor apartment. It wants its choice of berries – not the take-out artificials. It wants to beat its chest, have the feel of patted dirt on its feet, and the heavy pull of humidity beads building on its back – not polite laughter, arm chair induced dead legs, and computer eye strain.

(If you haven’t already, make the connection that I am using an extended metaphor to prove a point)

I’m not suggesting you lose all social inhibition and morality and go ape…

When I say let your inner gargantuan orangutan loose, don’t pull a Little Caesar’s, “THERE’S NO RULES!”

In reality, you aren’t a gargantuan orangutan nor are you truly a Curious George. You are a human being – literate if you’ve made it this far. You have goals, passions, desires, and dreams. You have a passion to learn and improve – and I applaud you.

But the problem I see in myself and in others is that we are always holding back, even if its just a little bit. There’s always something more you want to say or do, but you don’t.. You might have fantastic ideas, but you don’t say them. You might have a beautiful personality, but you never say “hi”. You might have the capacity and abilities to  settle for a certain living space, job, or standard of living, but you don’t go for it. You’re holding back your bananas.

The fact still remains…you’ve got to go bananas.

The type of “bananas” that I’m suggesting isn’t you ripping out your moral roots or flagrantly disobeying any and all authority. What I’m suggesting to you is to let go of your Curious George comforts and to let loose and go into the orangutan side of things. Stop being so predictable. Expect more from your current lifestyle. Be bold. Start asserting your own authority and needs in the modern jungle. If you want to do something, do it. If you want to have a certain job, go get it. If you are looking for a special someone, go get him or her. You are an autonomous human being so embrace your inner orangutan– momma nor the Man in the Yellow Coat are going to hold your hand.

– John G. Victoria

(And before you go, leave a comment, send me a personal message, or share on a social media. It’s much appreciated!)

Ten Important Life Lessons I’ve Learned and Re-Learned Over Thanksgiving Break


In my time off for Thanksgiving break, I’ve been able to catch up with old friends and spend much needed time with my family. In my time back, I’ve come to realize that things will never be as you expect them to be. You must be keen on going with the flow while at the same time keeping your priorities in check. As such, I’ve compiled a list of ten important lessons that I have learned and re-learned this week that I hope you can benefit from.

  1. Always, always, always, plan out your week consciously.
  2. Find the activities that you enjoy and selectively hang out with the people that you want to be with.
  3. Remember that at the end of the day, you can still choose to be happy regardless of what happens in a day.
  4. Forgive yourself for any failures or inadequacies, always remembering that you are only human
  5. Trust in yourself, defend your boundaries, and give yourself the utmost respect.
  6. Be empathetic towards others and keep an awareness of your actions and the positive or negative impact they may have on others.
  7. Realize that every single action, every single word, and every single entertained thought has an effect on who you are, your direction in life, and how great your life will be.
  9. Stay happy, positive and talkative with everyone you meet and ensure that others feel one degree happier since they interacted with you.
  10. Remember that no one owes you squat and that everything in life is a blessing and you should treat them as such by cultivating your own personal gifts.

(And always remember to smile!)

In closing, life will never be what you expect it to be. You will make plenty of mistakes, miss on so many opportunities, and drop the ball. But don’t fret. Everything will be all right. Keep a firm resolve to forgive yourself for being human and continue to strive to be the best. Happy belated Thanksgiving, my friends.

Wake Up Sleeping Beauty, Good-night Beast

I’ve seen a glimpse of you. I know you’re real, the beast inside that threatens to destroy the potential and good inside of me. You cannot fool me. I know you for what you are – a fraud – and you can never trick me again with your warm words. Despite your compelling arguments and seemingly insurmountable strength, I know you’re really weak. You’re just a mental fragment that has been of no service to me other than to tell me “I’m not good enough”. You’ve been of no benefit to me and you will have no life in me. It’s time for you to die.

Not only that, but you’re always attacking the good parts of me. You tell me I’m not smart enough, not motivated enough, not talented enough. You say what I do sucks and that I can’t make a change. You’ve lulled me into believing everything is fine just as it is. You’ve told me that my good days are bad days, my friends are not really friends, and that everything I’ve ever gotten was luck. And most of all, you’ve violated my dreams and painted pictures in my head of a future where there is no possibility of better days.

Into my inner most chambers, you’ve put hate into my heart and have poisoned my most treasured relationships. You’ve made me neglect my body, diet, and spirituality. You’ve closed my mind and heart to the good things of this world. You’ve made me lazy and have moved my attention to less-than-productive activities and subjects. You’ve wasted hours upon hours, days upon days of my time. You’ve made me lounge about by sleep too little, sleep too much, or just doing absolutely nothing.

And you know what? I’m tired. Scratch that – I’m not tired, I’m bored of the games you play and the lies you tell me. I’m bored of being told I’m not good enough. I’m bored of your words of failure, rejection, and loser. I’m bored of being lonely and afraid. I’m bored of all the petty drama. I’m bored of the mediocre. I want more.

I know that I am better than this. I know I have better potential. I know there will be brighter days. I know that the world is more caring and loving than you’ve led me to believe. I know that I can be smart, passionate, funny, bold, and happy beyond anything you could ever imagine. I know I have gifts of my own, talents that need tending, and time that I can give. Most of all, at the deepest level of my heart, I know that I am truly a good person.

With a full heart and a determined effort, I will dissolve you. As I see now I’m not mad at you, but I am tired. I accept what you’ve done to me, but I want to have a change. I want to be able to be happy, laugh loudly, and walk proudly. I want to feel great in my own skin and be full of life. I want to have self-respect and earn the good graces of the world. I want to rekindle the love in my heart and in those around me. I want to feel deserving of love and joy. I want to craft a fantastic life of my own design. And it starts today. It’s time for the beast to sleep and let the real me emerge into the light. Say hello to the new me.

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